Domain .com / domain .com registration / domain .com information
General information about .com domain
Domain .com - a generic top-level domain that has been used since 1985. Originally intended for use by commercial organizations, but over time, registration became free.
Special conditions for registering a .com domain
Registration is available without restriction to individuals and legal entities.
Requirements for the name, restrictions on the length of the .com domain name
The .com domain supports latin letters and international symbols (IDN). The minimum number of characters in a domain name - 3, maximum - 63 characters. The name may contain letters, numbers and the hyphen "-" (prohibited at the beginning and end of the name). Thus, you can buy a domain of the form: or домен.com (IDN Cyrillic).
Domain .com registration period
Immediately after payment (provided that all fields are filled in correctly when placing an order for a domain). After paying the bill (when paying with electronic payment systems, the bill and bank cards are automatically entered) and the data for registering the domain is correctly filled in - domain is registered automatically and data for access to the gTLD domain control panel is sent to the contact e-mail. The minimum term for delegation of a .com domain name - 1 year, maximum - 10 years.
Manage a domain .com
Changing dns servers, managing Privacy Protection for a .com domain is available in your account + control panel for gTLD domains (changing data of a domain administrator, dns servers, secret transfer code, allowing / disabling domain transfer) - all settings for the domain. Access to the domain control panel is sent after registration to the contact e-mail, which is specified at checkout.
Transfer a domain .com
Domain transfer to us for service is possible with an extension of one year, in accordance with the tariffs. To transfer, you need to get the secret transfer code ("Transfer Secret" or "Auth Code") from the current registrar, in the domain settings you need to check "Allow domain transfer". The term for the transfer of the .com domain is from 5 to 14 days. Instructions for transfer will be sent to the contact e-mail address specified for the domain administrator (link to confirm the transfer, after confirmation a letter will be sent indicating the date of completion of the transfer).
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